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Work Package 8 - Synthesis of Research Findings and Policy Recommendations

The objectives of WP8 “Synthesis of Research Finding and Policy Recommendations”, which is led by IAI and EDAM, were threefold:

1)  It ranked the drivers across the thematic WPs and synthesize the likely scenarios across all thematic dimensions.

2)  It assessed the consequences of the three ideal type scenarios, and in particular of the empirically most likely scenario of EU-Turkey relations for the EU,Turkey, as well as for their relations with the neighbourhood (including on protacted regional conflicts, migratory patterns, trade and investment flows, energy dynamics and identity politics) and with global power (US, Russia and emerging countries).

3)  It extrapolated evidence-based policy recommendations for the EU and for Turkey.

The WP empirically fleshed out the most likely scenario for EU-Turkey relations with the time frame of 2023. This was based on the research that had been concluded in the Work Packages 2-7 on drivers from the project's six thematic dimensions (politics, economy, security, energy and climate, migration and identity & culture).

The WP employed an elite survey that assessed the challenges and opportunities stemming from the empirically most likely scenario and from which policy recommendations for the EU and Turkey were delineated. A high-level workshop with stakeholders from the neighbourhood and global scene complemented the analysis of the elite survey by exploring the consequences of the likely scenario for relations of the EU and Turkey with the neighbourhood and global actors.

Through the elite survey and expert workshop, the WP extrapolated policy recommendations for Turkish and EU actors that foster EU-Turkey relations in the most beneficial way for the EU, Turkey, the neighbourhood, and the global scene. 

Publications and Papers

FEUTURE Voice No.1 by Nathalie Tocci "Turkey's European Future at a Crossroads: Where do we go from here? ((June 2017)

FEUTURE Voice No.2 by Eduard Soler "Turkey, One Year After" (July 2017)

FEUTURE Voice No.3 by Senem Aydin-Düzgit "PESCO and Third Countries: Breaking the Deadlock in European Security" (January 2018)

FEUTURE Voice No. 4 by Nathalie Tocci "Beyond the storm in EU Turkey relations" (January 2018)

Partners involved:

Istituto Affari Internazionali (WP leader)
Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (WP leader)
Istanbul Bilgi University
Barcelona Centre for International Affairs
Centre international de formation européenne
Caucasus Research Resource Center Georgia
Danish Institute for International Studies
University of Cologne
Middle East Technical University
Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy
Koç University
Middle East Research Institute
Trans European Policy Studies Association